Thursday, December 8, 2011

First Draft Insanity 3 characters

Crow character. Will be adding wings and some feather textures.

Early Nathan Langdon

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Still breathing...

What I've been up to...

-in case you wondered.

This entire month I have been carefully devoting myself to mastering Zbrush and 3DS Max, in order to quicken my workflow and err, well for nothing more than shits&giggles really?
I've also been exploring some creative rotoscoping techniques using biped with mocap applied prints and layering over them with hand-drawings. I busted my nuts on Rebuild 2 so instead of going straight back to working on another mega-project like that one, I thought I'd do some training instead.

Programming languages are pretty easy for to me to pick up but some of these high-end 3d modelling/animation tools (Maya, Max, SoftImage) phew!!! They are simply out-of-this-world complex to get to grips with, and it was only finally this year I decided I to buckle down and actually learn them properly instead of using the mish-mash of techniques I basically taught myself over the years. I thought I could spare a month or so to truly accelerate my knowledge of their use and so that's what I've been up to. I've been through tons and tons of video tutorials, books, conversations with artists in forums, etc, you name it. Literally going through the A-Z of tutorials out there and patiently learning about everything the software has to offer. The result after a lot of head-scratching is that I'm definitely getting better! Funny to think 2 months ago I had never touched Zbrush and now I feel like an old hand at it.

I figure the better I get at this shit now, the better 'The Insanity 3' and all my future games are going to look. One added bonus is that you can always upload any unused objects to sites like TurboSquid for a bit of pocket change; so who knows, maybe it'll result as another notch on my bow when it comes to passive income. Yep, if you're going to pick a hobby, design online games or art assets. It's win/win, baby.

FYI, the essence of the model to game engine pipeline goes like this:

Paper Sketch.
Sculpt High-Polygon model in Zbrush
Retopologise (Polygon reduction and structural simplification) - get it under 5000 max 10,000 polys
Add finer details to high-poly model.
UV map
Bake Normals
Make textures with combination PolyPaint ZAppLink linked Photoshop
Export it all to 3dsMax, add Specular/Light maps. Biped or Bones for complicated characters that don't resemble humanoids. Add mocap info.

Of course, you don't need 3d objects in Flash but I'm using a lot of prerendered stuff in my own games in order to get perfect animation and a 2.5d look. And besides studying this stuff is fun.

I think all this sudden passion stems from playing Dark Souls. Perhaps the tremendous art in the game kind of struck a spark in me. Games are something that I'd like to come back to in the future and feel a sense of pride and achievement over, and since I do have a day job it's really not about the money for me at all. If it was I'd be churning out Tower Defence rip-offs, not spending the next 3-6 months working on a game that I know isn't going to make me squat.
So what I'm saying is Insanity 3 may or may not turn out to be a great game, but visually it will be something worth experiencing.

And at the end of the day my games are essentially my portfolio. If nothing else it's nice to whip out the Iphone at parties and show people what I do outside of teaching English. "Hey baby, I bet you like guys with good polygons". Err...well that might work with some ComicCon poon, heh.

Aaaanyway, the good news for you peeps who keep nagging me about when Insanity 3 will be out is that I'm gearing up to get started on it like, right now. I do have another fighting game project in the mix, as I've mentioned before- but likely I'll be working on some elements of Insanity 3 starting sometime this week, speaking of which that image of Beardy up the top there is an early model of an official Insanity 3 character, Guymon Wolfden- one of the earlier characters you'll come across in the game. And the guy below him is a rough for, well guess who..

Speaking of Rebuild 2- check out the new gallery I've added to the blog here. You can even comment on the pics so please, tell me how much my art sucks, lol.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dark Souls came in the post yesterday-

Ohhhhh yeah!!! The time has come. Six months of salivating over screenshots leading up to this.

Wow, what a game. Once in a while I feel drawn against my will to pop open the laptop and review really impressive games that I've played. Well I'm probably half-way through this one as we speak, and I can say in no uncertain terms that Dark Souls is absolutely one of the *best* games I've ever played, on so many levels. Screw working on my own game- which is what I should've been doing this weekend. I think I must've clocked in about 7 hours on DS yesterday.

As a single-player game, I felt that DS is superior to Demon's Souls- it's 'spiritual' predecessor. You can feel why they didn't just call it a sequel, item name-swapping aside, it has a much more open universe feel; though they have some parallels you can sense they're different games. Mostly because even though you can feel it's more linear than say FallOut 3, the game is much more in the tradition of exploration than the previous one.
The difficulty level is borderline impossible in most cases and frankly, I love it. Bring on the challenge, bitches. You'll probably die within 20 minutes of leaving the FireLit Shrine and it doesn't get easier from there, so get used to it. You'll progress through this game at crawling speed, literally pooping yourself at every step because it's 'that' easy to get killed. It's like From took the first gamble with Demon's Souls, concluded that *YES* there are people who do not want to be babysat through games anymore and they just went 'F*ck it, let's give it to 'em with both barrels.'
This is the type of game that old school Neanderthal hunter gamers that worship a challenge have been praying for, a roaring BEAST that only belongs in the palms of the hardcore gamer to conquer, and that will send others running home crying for mumma. Yes, I'll bet there's a ton of casual gamers bithing about it's difficulty all over the web. Well screw you noobs! That's what I have to say. Get back to your comfy Ninja Gay-Den and leave the real games for the real men.
The game is a creative masterpiece. Seriously, bravo to the master artist/s who came up with all the character concepts and conducted the fantasy art visuals on this game; they deserve an award. The menu and item designs are ornate, finely detailed and gorgeous. Boss enemies look epic and mythical and they're also highly original in design, going way beyond just being great to look at, some real brainstorming has gone into how these. Then there's the weapons and armour, some of them are the same old but others are just bizarre and leave you clueless yet intrigued. All in all it captures a kind of creative originality you don't see in many games these days, someone has some good chops. A 3 Headed Pinwheel monster, a Skeleton BlackSmith? It's like, wtf man, but at the same time it's brilliant.
Just take a look at the breathtaking art that went into this game here. The graphics have some serious legs.

I didn't expect any less since Demon's Souls was also something to look at, but they've amped it up here to another level.

I love the game because it's almost as if From Software have taken the entire library of Fighting Fantasy books and turned it into a game. I was really impressed with one part called The Catacoombs, the lighting (or rather lack of it) is fantastic, I genuinely had to stop for a minute just to suck up the glory of some of the views (Gargoyle boss area) anyone. Mountain hiking is one of my hobbies and playing DS stimulated my feelings in the same way as when you reach a peak after a hard ascent. The serenity of ethereal quality of certain views enhances the game for me threefold. No storyline, total mystery, everything is intangible and left to the player to figure out. What a great universe; it's so D&D done right. I'm even impressed by the language, I think they must've hired some Oxford poetry prof. it uses rich language that is cohesive with the style of the game. I can't help but wonder how a Japanese team could manage to capture so beautifully something that is so integrally Western.

Gameplay is addictive as hell. Nearly all the enemies require a kind of strategy to beat, and you can never expect to win if you rush around aimlessly attacking; without prior contemplation you're a dead man. Either way the enemies are never too mechanical, they'll still do weird actions sometimes that'll make you scratch your head (after you die).
I mean, the fighting is realistic in a sense, that's what's great about it. Perfect-timing is called for with many of the larger enemies, as a single merciless blow can end your life, shield carrying or not.
And those attacks look good. Swords ping when then repel off the well, shields thud, the battles flow nicely. And enemies will follow you anywhere, kick you off ladders, set traps to stop you escaping. The AI guys did a good job. There's some sections of this game that are so hard I had no choice but to try to leg it through, and what a thrill when you get to the other side.
It lets you know that you cannot just stride through the whole game with your favourite weapon, thinking you'll breeze through it. You will have to observe and experiment, explore to find shortcuts, take risky jumps and pray before kissing your ass goodbye.
And there's no pause button if you think about getting a breather.

The sfx and music, I'm not going to say much about but perfect, perfect perfect. I especially liked the opening menu melody (kind of reminds me of Resident Evil 4), and the Moonlight Butterfly boss audio was a treat, so weird and wonderful.

You can tell that From Software are really opening the book on the way we play multiplayer. I've said it in interviews before and I'll say it again now, in the future we'll see some incredibly creative and rich ways to play online together. Not just PvsP fights or Co-Op but other methods of aligning ourselves with certain groups we like and having it affect the way we play the game. Now we have covenants in Dark Souls meaning you can choose what type of multiplayer experience you want to have. Be a good and gracious person who aids and heals, or like me if you just want to be a badass troll and invade as many innocent games as possible, you can do that and actually be rewarded for it. Genius! But then there's the
Blades of the Darkmoon who act as the 'sheriff's' of the game, who enact revenge on aggressive interlopers who keep invading worlds and whose names are compiled on an online list. Genius really.

These guys will win awards for their efforts, mark my words. Best game of 2011 IMO.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rebuild 2 Endings

Uploaded a compilation of all the endings I designed, yeah buddy buddy--

Friday, October 7, 2011

Rebuild 2 Released!

Rebuild 2 has been officially sponsored. Check out the news at Sarah's blog.
She made a nice little killing financially and I didn't do too bad myself :-)

Now that the game is out I can release some of the art that didn't make the cut into the final version here on the blog. I am currently about to release a Gallery slideshow on this site, which will include most of my art from all my games (+ comments), and I will be uploading the Rebuild 2 stuff to it pretty soon.

But the real news is the game is available online here

So go ahead and play it!

The guys at FETTSPIELEN have done an interview of the dude here. Seems they love the 'Insanity' series over there in Germany and wanted to find out a little more about moi.
It's been translated so here's the original transcript for those interested. Trying to get lost in my own hubris here, lol.

> Please introduce yourself.
My name is Kris Foxton. I'm 33; born and raised on sunny Hastings seafront in the UK, and have been residing in Fukuoka, Japan for the last 7 years.

What made you want to be a game developer?
I have been a game addict my entire life, going right back to when I was a toddler playing Chuckie Egg on the Acorn Electron. Even now I spend an *embarrassingly* long time rinsing up the latest video games and trying to convince myself I'm not a geek. I don't have a Darth Vader suit yet but I do think I'm something of a walking encyclopedia of game knowledge. In school I was always a total dreamer and an artist- kinda the wistful, insular youth battling dragons in my head at the back of the class. I was respectable at creative writing, and I found myself craving to express those internal fantasies in some way; therefore it was my early wish was to be a writer, however I came to a stage where I felt i needed a more visual and faceted medium to express my stories than through words alone. So that+deep and endearing love for games = obvious natural progression. It's a labour of love more than anything but the good news is I occasionally make money doing it. Not the worst hobby in the world, I guess.
> What platforms do you develop games for and why?
Flash. No particular reason other than I seem to jive with it pretty well. It's the most popular and growing and available platform out there; for artists and coders alike, with a good support community and anything produced has wide potential to be seen by millions.
> What are your experiences in porting games between two platforms?
Pretty much zero to none! Anyone looking to make a quick buck and some royalties? :-) I am in conversation with some teams about doing iOS ports of my games later on next year but nothing green-lit as of right now.
> How do you get inspiration for a game?
Inspiration is an elusive thing, and it can surface anywhere. I can say the vast majority of my ideas emerge while playing other bigger games on consoles and such; not just the play mechanics but also ideas for the vibe I'm looking to recreate. Example; Fallout 3. It gets me thinking about the fun of exploring the unknown. Another one; Just the other week I was diving in Okinawa and I came face-to-face with a shark, it was a scary moment that got me thinking about doing a game which involved some kind of shark theme, Man vs Giant Shark...Man diving into dark treacherous ocean to hunt the world's biggest know, that's how it goes I guess. First an epic story is formed and then it's down to the brass tacks; how to flesh it out to become a 'game' and not just a tale. One thing for sure, I'm all always looking to give a game a certain flavour and for me a game has to be 50% playability and 50% mood/atmosphere. Anyway, I have literally zillions of ideas that never become anything other than thoughts in my head .
Oh and back to the topic, lastly, it's nostalgia. I wan't to rejuvenate my youth through games in a way.So I make a game that reminds me of the old days, UltraSports Archery is clearly dedicated to HyperSports. Trivia Casino kind of reminds me of the old slot machines in pubs. Some of them may be crappy games but to me they have an inside meaning and there's not a single game I've made that I hate.

> How long does it take for you to write a game from start to finish?
Anything from 2-6 months depending on the grandeur of the title. The Flying Chicken only took me 4 hrs though.Working as an artist on Rebuild 2 took me 3 months. A lot of it is not so much development time, but training in the latest software. At the moment I'm studying Zbrush (and loving it!).
> What are the biggest technical challenges when you develop a game?
Keeping the filesize down to a reasonable level. Tracking down obscure bugs that manifest out of nowhere. Getting the aesthetics down.
> What do you think the future of gaming will look like?
CG characters right up there on the 'uncanny valley', full-body motion& holographic touch controls, advances in social interactivity between players, mind-blowing AI, an evolution in scale and the way people play online multiplayer (not only deathmatch team vs team), games that stimulate more ranges of emotion. Also I think good game designers will be the next new-age celebrities. And you can quote me on that.

> What is your favourite game at the moment and why?
It's not my favorite game of all time but right now I'm playing Monster Hunter 3rd on the PS3. It's has a superb, relaxing co-op mode without any competitive stress, and is a nice challenge that can burn away a few hours easily. Favorite game of the last 5yrs would be a toss up between Metal Gear 4 and Demons Souls. I have a hunch the sequel 'Dark Souls' will be even better.
> What is your advice for new developers?
Well I don't think I'm in the right kind of success stratosphere to answer this question as well as others can but here goes-
Don't give up the day job. It's only the top 5% of developers who're making serious $$$ so it's unlikely you'll get rich. Let passion be your fuel. Have a strong proof of concept when you start a game, prototype it and get feedback from friends and your internet peers before you commit it to full project status. Don't be afraid to trash a game if it's not working out as planned; time is valuable so move on quick. Try to find good online mentors.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dark Souls...

Ahhh, sheee-it :-(
The game of the decade is out here in Japan, but I can't buy it yet.
Unfortunately, I can confirm that the game (just as in Demon's Souls) has English dialogue but no English text feature. Therefore, although I can rub it in the palm of my hands and sniff the DVD box, I won't be buying the game here but alas, importing it from the USA.
I don't really have a choice. Since the game uses entirely Japanese text sets I'm stuck with waiting along with all the other poor mugs, for October 4th. And then I have to order it so it'll actually be more like mid-October when I get my dirty mitts on a version I can fully comprehend.
Talk about a drag; being able to speak conversational Japanese fine but not being able to read it without an electronic dictionary, I'm stuck in a rut here waiting along with everyone else for the English version.
I can wing it for games such as Monster Hunter, getting by on understanding bits & pieces, but no. DS is a game that must be absorbed, digested and therefore fully comprehended.

Thankyou for torturing me God.

Insanity 2 Reviews

Those folks over at Spieletest have given a glowing review of the second part of the Insanity series.

Again it's in German, but nothing that Google Translate can't handle!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Forget about Insects & Martians for a minute--

--I've had a better idea.
I started drawing out a proof of concept for my own 1 vs 1 battle game prototype.
Super Punch Out with blades, basically. Remember I talked about it before on here? Yet after accidentally discovering Infinity Blade was a ridiculously similar game, I had decided to drop it?
Well, not quite. I guess you could say I'm going to give it a shot after all. Now, I have not, and will not play Infinity Blade until I'm done with this project in order to differentiate my game from that one as much as possible. I've seen IB on the Tube but have no idea about it's mechanisms or how it's structured and I will avoid it strictly in the hope that the final result of my game will be a million miles away. So think Goblins&Barbarians, not Knights. (Not a bad name that actually, hmmm, Goblins & Barbarians? Catchy, no?)

I'll be the first to admit that I'm very guilty of beginning games without having much of an accelerated concept behind them, but in this case I've actually spent a lot of time germinating this one in my head and in fact there has already been constructed a rough prototype in AS3 using placeholder graphics. It's a very simple yet fun game already in it's seeding stage, and since I'm getting the old feeling in my balls that this one might be a winner I've put the insects and Martians one on the backburner for the time being.

I'm trying to work with my strengths. I'm a passable coder but being modest I couldn't in my wildest dreams code a 3d engine from scratch. I've come to the conclusion recently that I'm probably a more novel artist than programmer, and henceforth I should not waste time scratching my head coding physics engines and instead rely on myself to focus on more artistic natured games.

So no screenie for now but as for this game imagine this: Bold, chunky, eye-grabbing graphics that will look enticing in screenshots and alone will pull in a few players. Mouse action for movement or (with click drag) weapon hack&slash, double-click for a dodge roll. I'm definitely going to be less clandestine about the development of *this* game as I was with Rebuild 2, so expect a zillion demo's to be making an appearance for your kind perusal here in short time.

A kind of 3rd person Barbarian fighting game. And yes, there will be decapitating heads, you can bet on that.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Time for a quick rest...

Seems like Rebuild 2 is fully done and dusted, it's up for bidding over at Flash Game License as we speak, creating quite the buzz with sponsors, who are throwing out some pretty substancial bid numbers at it. ETA for the game going 'live' as they say, is probably somewhere around the end of September and of course, if you're an FGL developer/previewer etc you can get an early glimpse of it and even *nudge nudge wink wink* write a nice review and post it there.

Some of the design I worked on is there in the form of the customised characters, but the bulk of it was for the animated endings, all of which were mammoth tasks, hand-drawn, scanned, modelled in Zbrush/3DS whew, you name it, and later coloured in Photoshop. Oh and btw for the art fans; I'm planning some time later this month to add an illustration gallery to the blog, so keep an eye out for that.

What's next? Right well, I figure I'm up for making a quick little game as a run up to Insanity 3. The theme is- get ready for this- Giant Alien Hornets Invading Martian Cities.
All came a dream I had the other day. I was being attacked by persistent green wasps that I couldn't fight off. I woke up thinking, wow, now there's the next game! Also, I can't remember clearly but I once saw an amazing picture - I think it was an Ian Miller - which featured giant wasps attacking terrified people shielded below a glass dome, rapidly cracking under their attack. A very inspirational sketch. I've also been reading The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury which lead me to think why have Humans vs Insects when you can have Martians vs Insects and invent a bunch of cool, futuristic weapons and leave the door wide open for creativity?
More on that next post. Thanks!

Personal Stuff-

With the recent release of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD (MHP3rd) over here in Japan coinciding nicely with the Rebuild 2 wrapping up I've been plugging away at it online like a good little game addict should. It's done wonders for my kanji reading and item-related vocabulary, though I'm not quite sure how 'Ancient Bone' could fit into a regular conversation over here. I will certainly enjoy playing MHP3rd until I've gotten all the best weapons, but as online experiences I have to say I feel Metal Gear Solid 4 still pips it, and I just KNOW Dark Souls is going to kick the game into the ground like a frail pup.

Anyway, S50 is where I usually am- it seems like the common room for foreigner players, so if you see EVIL_KRIS_YD room in there, don't be scared to jump in if you see me there.

What else? I recently saw a nice flick called The Human Centipede. I won't bother with the plot (watch the Tube vid). The storyline is somewhat similar to the one in my Insanity games, meaning yes- I thoroughly enjoyed this incredibly twisted, morbid and entertaining movie. I particularly liked the casting of the Dieter Laser, who played the most impressive piercing-eyed loony I've seen since Klaus Kinski in CrawlSpace.
Only a matter of time before they make a story about a psycho stitching animals and humans together and posting vids onto YouTube right? *sigh*
Till next time!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Insanity gets a good review-

-in German, but still.. (thankyou Google translate)

Thanks for the great review guys!

And in case I forgot to link to this one earlier:

Monday, August 29, 2011

Work on Rebuild 2 coming to an end

Few screenies:-

The game is currently on the market as we speak- just waiting for the sponsors to open their purse strings and the game will be out for the fans to enjoy, hopefully before the end of September. I still have to finish one ending screen animation and then I can totally walk away from this project.
Then it's back to, hmmm, who knows?

I had a craaaazy thing happen to me the other day. I'd been planning this game in my head for months, a kind of Super Punch Out game that would work on both the smartphones but also in Flash. I can cite this game Rose&Camelia
as the main influence. I thought I could work that idea, maybe add a bit more functionality, some levelling-up, swap out the graphics for something like orcs and goblins, add a very cool knight in uber-stylish cobalt armour as the hero. Maybe throw in some magic potions and whatnot.
Then Sarah Northway points out this game to me. Infinity Blade to me (I'd never heard of it).

Well you imagine it freaked me out. There was basically the game I'd been scheming up for ages, basically sitting there in front of me. I've had some weird synchronistic events happen to me in the past but nothing like this. That's almost too freaky for words.
Anyway, that's one idea down the toilet. Scrapped. I think they did a better job than I ever could've anyway, *chuckles*.

Other stuff

Me and the Northways have been toying with the idea of expanding the Rebuild universe. I'm thinking I might even license the game from them and build a Rebuild FPS based on 'The Damned' engine. What do you reckon? I can't think of one game out there in Flash that has licensed it's name out to other developers and built other genres of games around the same principle concept. Kind of only semi-serious about it now, but well, if it peaks enough people's curiousity then why not?


Well, I finally managed to drag myself away like the screaming crack-whore from Metal Gear Online. 3 years I've been playing that game, and it's still incredibly popular on the Japanese servers. Best record: Lvl 16 as a Shielder/Runner build. Shield is the most fun for me as it's kind of trolling in a way, it throws everyone off their game when they see a Shielder coming round the corner. Still, it's not as bad as HandGun 3 and using the Stun Gun+Shield, and then running off to leave them hammering the controller to wake up before they get shot. Haven't had as much fun as that since trolling in Demon's Soul with the Scraping Spear/Baby's Nail as an invisible Assassin Build. They don't call me EvilKris for nothing. Anyway, I am very very excited about Dark Souls, the sequel to DS, which is coming out next month. I'm not even going to play the main game, just find whatever way I can to mess up other people's games and lol myself into oblivion when the hate mail comes pouring in.

So the reason I'm off the MGO is I bought myself some new crack in the form of Monster Hunter 3rd Portable Edition for the PS3 the other day. By God, that's one addictive game. It's all in Japanese and although speaking-wise I'm fairly fluent I still can't read the Chinese characters proficiently enough to really get what all the potions do, so it's mainly total trial and error at this point. Ultimately I had to set my PS3 to run on a wired connection to get this stupid AdHoc network thing up and running, and I still can't figure out how the hell to play online with anybody. Loving the single player so far though.

Till next time, adios!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

.::: Pasal Undang-undang(UU) Yang Mengatur Ganti Rugi Delay Pesawat dan Bagasi Hilang :::.

Article Act (Act) of Torts Governing Aircraft Delay and Lost Baggage
Maskapai wajib memberi ganti rugi Rp 300 ribu/penumpang bila pesawat delay lebih 4 jam. Bagasi hilang juga wajib diganti maksimal Rp 4 juta.

Hal itu tertuang dalam Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan (Permenhub) 77 Tahun 2011 yang diteken pada 8 Agustus dan diperkirakan berlaku November 2011. Peraturan tentang Tanggung Jawab Pengangkut Angkutan Udara ini mengatur mengenai asuransi delay pesawat, bagasi hilang dan kecelakaan. Berikut bunyi pasal-pasal inti dari 10 Bab dan 29 Pasal yang ada:

Jenis Tanggung Jawab Pengangkut dan Besaran Kerugian

Pasal 2

Pengangkut yang mengoperasikan pesawat udara wajib bertanggung jawab atas kerugian terhadap:

a. penumpang yang meninggal dunia, cacat tetap atau luka-luka;
b. hilang atau rusaknya bagasi kabin;
c. hilang, musnah, atau rusaknya bagasi tercatat;
d. hilang, musnah atau rusaknya kargo;
e. keterlambatan angkutan udara; dan
f. kerugian yang diderita oleh pihak ketiga.

Pasal 3

Jumlah ganti kerugian terhadap penumpang yang meninggal dunia, cacat tetap atau luka-luka sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 huruf a ditetapkan sebagai berikut:

a. penumpang yang meninggal dunia di dalam pesawat udara karena akibat kecelakaan pesawat udara atau kejadian yang semata-mata ada hubungannya dengan pengangkutan udara diberikan ganti kerugian sebesar Rp,00 (satu miliar dua ratus lima puluh juta rupiah) per penumpang.

b. penumpang yang meninggal dunia akibat suatu kejadian yang semata-mata ada hubungannya dengan pengangkutan udara pada saat proses meninggalkan ruang tunggu bandar udara menuju pesawat udara atau atau pada saat proses turun dari pesawat udara menuju ruang kedatangan di bandar udara tujuan dan/atau bandar udara persinggahan (transit) diberikan ganti kerugian sebesar Rp 500.000.000,00 (lima ratus juta rupiah) per penumpang.

c. penumpang yang mengalami cacat tetap, meliputi:
1. penumpang yang dinyatakan cacat tetap total oleh dokter dalam jangka waktu paling lambat 60 (enam puluh) hari kerja sejak terjadinya kecelakaan diberikan ganti kerugian sebesar Rp,00 (satu miliar dua ratus lima puluh juta rupiah) per penumpang; dan
2. penumpang yang dinyatakan cacat tetap sebagian oleh dokter dalam jangka waktu paling lambat 60 (enam puluh) hari kerja sejak terjadinya kecelakaan diberikan ganti kerugian sebagaimana termuat dalam lampiran yang tidak terpisahkan dari Peraturan Menteri ini.

d. Cacat Tetap Total sebagaimana dimaksud pada huruf c angka 1 yaitu kehilangan penglihatan total dari 2 (dua) mata yang tidak dapat disembuhkan, atau terputusnya 2 (dua) tangan atau 2 (dua) kaki atau satu tangan dan satu kaki pada atau di atas pergelangan tangan atau kaki, atau kehilangan penglihatan total dari 1 (satu) mata yang tidak dapat disembuhkan dan terputusnya 1 (satu) tangan atau kaki pada atau di atas pergelangan tangan atau kaki.

e. penumpang yang mengalami luka-luka dan harus menjalani perawatan di rumah sakit, klinik atau balai pengobatan sebagai pasien rawat inap dan/atau rawat jalan, akan diberikan ganti kerugian sebesar biaya perawatan yang nyata paling banyak Rp 200.000.000,00 (dua ratus juta rupiah) per penumpang.

Pasal 5

(1) Jumlah ganti kerugian terhadap penumpang yang mengalami kehilangan, musnah atau rusaknya bagasi tercatat sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 huruf c ditetapkan sebagai berikut:

a. kehilangan bagasi tercatat atau isi bagasi tercatat atau bagasi tercatat musnah diberikan ganti kerugian sebesar Rp 200.000,00 (dua ratus ribu rupiah) per kg dan paling banyak Rp 4.000.000,00 (empat juta rupiah) per penumpang; dan

b. kerusakan bagasi tercatat, diberikan ganti kerugian sesuai jenisnya bentuk, ukuran dan merk bagasi tercatat.

(2) Bagasi tercatat dianggap hilang sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), apabila tidak diketemukan dalam waktu 14 (empat belas) hari kalender sejak tanggal dan jam kedatangan penumpang di bandar udara tujuan.

(3) Pengangkut wajib memberikan uang tunggu kepada penumpang atas bagasi tercatat yang belum ditemukan dan belum dapat dinyatakan hilang sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) sebesar Rp 200.000,00 (dua ratus ribu rupiah) per hari paling lama untuk 3 (tiga) hari kalender.

Pasal 7

(1) Jumlah ganti kerugian terhadap kargo yang dikirim hilang, musnah atau rusak sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 huruf d ditetapkan sebagai berikut:

a. terhadap hilang atau musnah, pengangkut wajib memberikan ganti kerugian kepada pengirim sebesar Rp 100.000,00 (seratus ribu rupiah) per kg.
b. terhadap rusak sebagian atau seluruh sisi kargo atau kargo, pengangkut wajib memberikan ganti kerugian kepada pengirim sebesar Rp 50.000,00 (lima puluh ribu rupiah) per kg.
c. apabila pada saat menyerahkan kepada pengangkut, pengirim menyatakan nilai kargo dalam surat muatan udara (airway bill), ganti kerugian yang wajib dibayarkan oleh pengangkut kepada pengirim sebesar nilai kargo yang dinyatakan dalam surat muatan udara.

(2) Kargo dianggap hilang setelah 14 (empat belas) hari kalender terhitung sejak seharusnya tiba di tempat tujuan.

Pasal 9

Keterlambatan angkutan udara sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 2 huruf e terdiri dari:
a. keterlambatan penerbangan (flight delayed);
b. tidak terangkutnya penumpang dengan alasan kapasitas pesawat udara (denied boarding passenger); dan
c. pembatalan penerbangan (cancelation of flight)

Pasal 10

Jumlah ganti kerugian untuk penumpang atas keterlambatan penerbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 9 huruf a ditetapkan sebagai berikut:

a. keterlambatan lebih dari 4 (empat) jam diberikan ganti rugi sebesar Rp 300.000,00 (tiga ratus ribu rupiah) per penumpang;

b. diberikan ganti kerugian sebesar 50% (lima puluh persen) dari ketentuan huruf a apabila pengangkut menawarkan tempat tujuan lain yang terdekat dengan tujuan penerbangan akhir penumpang (re-routing), dan pengangkut wajib menyediakan tiket penerbangan lanjutan atau menyediakan transportasi lain sampai ke tempat tujuan apabila tidak ada moda transportasi selain angkutan udara;

c. dalam hal dialihkan kepada penerbangan berikutnya atau penerbangan milik Badan Usaha Niaga Berjadwal lain, penumpang dibebaskan dari biaya tambahan, termasuk peningkatan kelas pelayanan (up grading class) atau apabila terjadi penurunan kelas atau sub kelas pelayanan, maka terhadap penumpang wajib diberikan sisa uang kelebihan dari tiket yang dibeli.


Besaran Ganti Kerugian Cacat Tetap Sebagian

Cacat Tetap Sebagian     Besaran Ganti Kerugian
 a. Satu Mata      Rp 150.000.000,00
 b. Kehilangan pendengaran      Rp 150.000.000,00
 c. Ibu jari tangan kanan

-tiap satu ruas 

    Rp 125.000.000,00

Rp 62.500.000,00

 d. Jari telunjuk kanan 

-tiap satu ruas

    Rp 100.000.000,00

Rp 50.000.000,00

 e. Jari telunjuk kiri 

-tiap satu ruas 

    Rp 125.000.000,00

Rp 25.000.000,00

 f. Jari kelingking kanan

-tiap satu ruas

     Rp 62.500.000,00

Rp 20.000.000,00

 g. Jari kelingking kiri

-tiap satu ruas 

    Rp 35.000.000,00

Rp 11.500.000,00

 h. Jari tengah atau jari manis

-tiap satu ruas 

    Rp 50.000.000,00

Rp 16.500.000,00

 i. Jari tengah/jari manis kiri

-tiap satu ruas 

     Rp 40.000.000,00

Rp 13.000.000,00

Bagi mereka yang kidal, perkataan kanan dibaca kiri, demikian sebaliknya. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

.::: How To Install And Uninstall Oracle 10, 11 On Unix Solaris Platform ( Step By Step Install And Uninstall Oracle, Database, Listener) :::.

Oracle adalah product database yang terkenal didunia, mempunyai banyak customer, dan memiliki feature lengkap sebagai sebuah database. Sedangkan Solaris 10 adalah sebuah Sistem operasi yang juga terkenal handal, stabil, dan mempunyai basis user yang besar. Gabungan keduanya akan menghasilkan sebuah server yang handal, dengan performance yang tinggi.

Artikel ini akan membahas instalasi Oracle 10g pada Solaris 10 x86(bisa digunakan untuk pada solaris sparc).

Oracle 10 memerlukan :

- RAM 1GB (terutama berpengaruh pada saat database configuration)
- CPU 3 GHz
- space: 20GB (tidak perlu sebanyak ini)
- minimal space untuk /tmp: 512MB (oracle akan memeriksa parameter ini)

Tahap-tahap Instalasi:

Oracle is a popular database product in the world, has many customers, and have  complete feature as a database. While Solaris 10 is an operating system that also  famous for reliable, stable, and has a large user base. Combined they will produce a reliable server, with high performance.

This article will discuss the installation of Oracle 10g on Solaris 10 x86 (can use in solaris sparc)

Oracle 10 requires:
- 1GB of RAM (especially influential at the time of the database configuration)
- CPU 3 GHz
- Space: 20GB (not necessarily this much)
- A minimum of space for / tmp: 512 (oracle will check this parameter)

Stages of Installation:

1. Download Oracle dari
Download oracle 10g for Solaris x86. Setelah selesai, extract Oracle installer ke harddisk, check type x86 or sparc
Download Oracle 10g for Solaris x86. Once completed, extract the Oracle installer to the hard drive  , check type x86 or sparc

root@solaris-teguh # uname -a
SunOS 5620sam-application02 5.10 Generic_139556-08 i86pc i386 i86pc

root@solaris-teguh # showrev
Hostname: root@solaris-teguh
Hostid: 22bbcc6655
Release: 5.10
Kernel architecture: i86pc
Application architecture: i386
Hardware provider:
Kernel version: SunOS 5.10 Generic_139556-08
root@solaris-teguh #

root@solaris-teguh #unzip
root@solaris-teguh # gunzip < ora10_sol10.tar.gz | tar -xvf -


2. Check Solaris packages and install
Oracle memerlukan beberapa paket untuk instalasinya. Paket2 ini dapat anda temukan pada DVD
instalasi Solaris. Masuk ke dalam directory tempat package Solaris dan jalankan command dari sana.
Ketik command berikut untuk mengecek paket yang diperlukan:
Oracle requires some packages for installation. Paket2 this can be found on DVD, Solaris installation. Go to the directory where the Solaris package and run the command from there.
Type the following command to check the package required:

# pkginfo -i SUNWlibms SUNWtoo SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt SUNWxwplt
SUNWmfrun SUNWxwplr SUNWxwdv SUNWgcc SUNWbtool SUNWi1of SUNWhea SUNWlibm
SUNWsprot SUNWuiu8
Untuk menginstall paket:
# pkgadd -d . SUNWlibms SUNWtoo SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt SUNWxwplt
SUNWmfrun SUNWxwplr SUNWxwdv SUNWgcc SUNWbtool SUNWi1of SUNWhea SUNWlibm
SUNWsprot SUNWuiu8

example result
root@solaris-teguh #pkginfo SUNWlibms SUNWtoo SUNWi1cs SUNWi15cs SUNWxwfnt SUNWxwplt SUNWmfrun SUNWxwplr SUNWxwdv SUNWgcc SUNWbtool SUNWi1of SUNWhea SUNWlibm SUNWsprot SUNWuiu8
system      SUNWbtool CCS tools bundled with SunOS
system      SUNWgcc   gcc - The GNU C compiler
system      SUNWhea   SunOS Header Files
system      SUNWi15cs X11 ISO8859-15 Codeset Support
system      SUNWi1cs  X11 ISO8859-1 Codeset Support
system      SUNWi1of  ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) Optional Fonts
system      SUNWlibm  Math & Microtasking Library Headers & Lint Files (Usr)
system      SUNWlibms Math & Microtasking Libraries (Usr)
system      SUNWmfrun Motif RunTime Kit
system      SUNWsprot Solaris Bundled tools
system      SUNWtoo   Programming Tools
system      SUNWuiu8  Iconv modules for UTF-8 Locale
system      SUNWxwdv  X Windows System Window Drivers
system      SUNWxwfnt X Window System platform required fonts
system      SUNWxwplr X Window System platform software configuration
system      SUNWxwplt X Window System platform software
root@solaris-teguh #

3. Persiapkan Group, User, serta permission untuk instalasi (Prepare Group, User, and permissions for installation)

Create Group
Buat group untuk instalasi: / Create a group for installation:

root@solaris-teguh #cd /export/
root@solaris-teguh #ls

root@solaris-teguh #mkdir home
root@solaris-teguh #cd home/
root@solaris-teguh #mkdir oracle
root@solaris-teguh #cd ..
root@solaris-teguh #pwd
root@solaris-teguh #ls
root@solaris-teguh #

root@solaris-teguh #cd /export/home/oracle/
root@solaris-teguh #pwd
root@solaris-teguh #

root@solaris-teguh #groupadd oinstall
root@solaris-teguh #groupadd dba
root@solaris-teguh #

Create user
useradd -d /export/home/oracle -g dba -G oinstall -m -s /usr/bin/bash oracle
useradd -g oinstall -G dba -d /export/home/oracle oracle

example result
root@solaris-teguh #useradd -g oinstall -G dba -d /export/home/oracle oracle
root@solaris-teguh #

Setting owner & permission dari home directory user oracle

root@solaris-teguh #chown -R oracle:dba /export/home/oracle
root@solaris-teguh #cd /export/home/
root@solaris-teguh #ls -l
total 2
drwxr-xr-x   2 oracle   dba          512 Aug 16 11:08 oracle
or you can using command

root@solaris-teguh #mkdir /export/home
root@solaris-teguh #mkdir /export/home/oracle
root@solaris-teguh #cd /export/home/oracle/
root@solaris-teguh #groupadd oinstall
root@solaris-teguh #groupadd dba
root@solaris-teguh #useradd -d /export/home/oracle -g dba -G oinstall -m -s /usr/bin/bash oracle
root@solaris-teguh #chown -R oracle:dba /export/home/oracle
root@solaris-teguh #

creata password oracle

root@solaris-teguh #cd oracle/
root@solaris-teguh #ls -l
total 0
root@solaris-teguh #
root@solaris-teguh #passwd oracle
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for oracle
root@solaris-teguh #

4. Setting parameter system, dan restart agar dapat digunakan oleh system
Edit file /etc/system, dan tambahkan entries berikut:
Setting system parameters, and restart in order to be used by system
Edit the file / etc / system, and add the following entries:

example result
root@solaris-teguh #id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
root@solaris-teguh #vi /etc/sys
sysdef       sysevent/    syslog.conf   system
root@solaris-teguh #vi /etc/system
"/etc/system" 78 lines, 1883 characters
*ident  "@(#)system     1.18    97/06/27 SMI" /* SVR4 1.5 */

* moddir:
*       Set the search path for modules.  This has a format similar to the
*       csh path variable. If the module isn't found in the first directory
*       it tries the second and so on. The default is /kernel /usr/kernel
*       Example:
*               moddir: /kernel /usr/kernel /other/modules

* root device and root filesystem configuration:
*       The following may be used to override the defaults provided by
*       the boot program:
*       rootfs:         Set the filesystem type of the root.
*       rootdev:        Set the root device.  This should be a fully
*                       expanded physical pathname.  The default is the
*                       physical pathname of the device where the boot
*                       program resides.  The physical pathname is
*                       highly platform and configuration dependent.
*       Example:
*               rootfs:ufs
*               rootdev:/sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@3,0:a
*       (Swap device configuration should be specified in /etc/vfstab.)

* exclude:
*       Modules appearing in the moddir path which are NOT to be loaded,
*       even if referenced. Note that `exclude' accepts either a module name,
*       or a filename which includes the directory.
*       Examples:
*               exclude: win
*               exclude: sys/shmsys

* forceload:
*       Cause these modules to be loaded at boot time, (just before mounting
*       the root filesystem) rather than at first reference. Note that
*       forceload expects a filename which includes the directory. Also
*       note that loading a module does not necessarily imply that it will
*       be installed.
*       Example:
*               forceload: drv/foo

* set:
*       Set an integer variable in the kernel or a module to a new value.
*       This facility should be used with caution.  See system(4).
*       Examples:
*       To set variables in 'unix':
*               set nautopush=32
*               set maxusers=40
*       To set a variable named 'debug' in the module named 'test_module'
*               set test_module:debug = 0x13
set noexec_user_stack=1
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=1024
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=256
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10
"/etc/system" 86 lines, 2153 characters
root@solaris-teguh #

restart mesin

untuk restart:

root@solaris-teguh #shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Shutdown started.    Tue Aug 16 11:28:01 WIT 2011

Changing to init state 6 - please wait
Cannot send to device dtremote because it's not a tty
Broadcast Message from root (pts/6) on solaris-teguh Tue Aug 16 11:28:02...
Log off now or risk your files being damaged

updating /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

or you can

root@solaris-teguh #init 6
updating /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

5. Setting environment untuk user oracle. Gunakan user oracle untuk keperluan ini.
Ganti user:
Setting environment for oracle user. Use the oracle user for these purposes.
Replace user:

# su – oracle
Edit file /export/home/oracle.profile, and add entry:

root@solaris-teguh #pwd
root@solaris-teguh #id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
root@solaris-teguh #su oracle
root@solaris-teguh #bash
root@solaris-teguh #id
uid=100(oracle) gid=101(dba)

root@solaris-teguh #vi .profile
".profile" [New file]
#Oracle Settings
TMP=/tmp; export TMP

# Select the appropriate ORACLE_BASE
#ORACLE_BASE=/export/home/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_BASE=/export/home/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/db_1; export ORACLE_HOME

".profile" [New file] 11 lines, 349 characters
root@solaris-teguh #

check profile
root@solaris-teguh #more .profile
#Oracle Settings
TMP=/tmp; export TMP

# Select the appropriate ORACLE_BASE
#ORACLE_BASE=/export/home/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_BASE=/export/home/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/10.2.0/db_1; export ORACLE_HOME

root@solaris-teguh #

Install Oracle and database

root@solaris-teguh #bash
root@solaris-teguh #cd /data/database/
root@solaris-teguh #id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
root@solaris-teguh #su oracle
root@solaris-teguh #id
uid=100(oracle) gid=100(oinstall)
root@solaris-teguh #bash
root@solaris-teguh #./runInstaller
Starting Oracle Universal Installer...

Checking installer requirements...

Checking operating system version: must be 5.10.    Actual 5.10

Checking Temp space: must be greater than 250 MB.   Actual 1047 MB    Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB.   Actual 1609 MB    Passed
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.    Actual 16777216    Passed

All installer requirements met.

Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2011-08-16_12-04-35PM. Please wait ...

Capture Will posting later or you can visite

root@solaris-teguh #Oracle Universal Installer, Version Production
Copyright (C) 1999, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

root@solaris-teguh #

go to root
root@solaris-teguh #
root@solaris-teguh #/export/home/oracle/oraInventory/
Changing permissions of /export/home/oracle/oraInventory to 770.
Changing groupname of /export/home/oracle/oraInventory to dba.
The execution of the script is complete
root@solaris-teguh #/export/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/
Running Oracle 10g script...

The following environment variables are set as:
    ORACLE_OWNER= oracle
    ORACLE_HOME=  /export/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1

Enter the full pathname of the local bin directory: [/usr/local/bin]:
Creating /usr/local/bin directory...
   Copying dbhome to /usr/local/bin ...
   Copying oraenv to /usr/local/bin ...
   Copying coraenv to /usr/local/bin ...

Creating /var/opt/oracle/oratab file...
Entries will be added to the /var/opt/oracle/oratab file as needed by
Database Configuration Assistant when a database is created

Finished running generic part of script.
Now product-specific root actions will be performed.
root@solaris-teguh #
root@solaris-teguh #
8. Buat script untuk menjalankan Oracle ketika booting
Buat file /etc/init.d/oracle, dan tambahkan entry berikut:

root@solaris-teguh #cd /etc/init.d/
root@solaris-teguh #vi oracle
"oracle" [New file]
if [ ! -f $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart ]
echo "Oracle startup: cannot start"
case "$1" in
su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start"
su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop"
"oracle" [New file] 18 lines, 441 characters
root@solaris-teguh #

root@solaris-teguh #ls -l oracle
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         441 Aug 16 12:41 oracle
root@solaris-teguh #chmod 775 oracle
root@solaris-teguh #ls -l oracle
-rwxrwxr-x   1 root     root         441 Aug 16 12:41 oracle
root@solaris-teguh #
root@solaris-teguh #
root@solaris-teguh #ln -s /etc/init.d/oracle /etc/rc3.d/S99oracle
root@solaris-teguh #

root@solaris-teguh #su - oracle
Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.10      Generic Patch   January 2005
You have new mail.
$ bash
bash-3.00$ sqlplus

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Aug 16 12:51:02 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password:
Connected to an idle instance.


6.1 Masukan parameter untuk instalasi (lokasi software, user, dll) informasi ini diambil dari
environment sebenernya. Itulah kenapa dibuat file /export/home/oracle/.profile
6.2 Tentukan folder tempat oracle inventory
6.3 Oracle mengecek requirements system, pastikan tidak ada warning disini
6.4 Konfirmasi produk yang akan diinstall
6.5 Oracle mengextract file ke harddisk, tunggu sampai selesai
6.6 Eksekusi dua buah configuration script dibawah dengan user root.
6.7 instalasi selesai, anda dapat mengakses database via browser dengan alamat dibawah:
Sampai disini software oracle telah terinstall. Agar dapat digunakan, database dan instance harus di
7. Konfigurasi oracle instance & database. lakukan ini dengan user oracle
Pindah ke user oracle:
# su – oracle
Jalankan DBCA (DataBase Configuration Assistant):
$ dbca
7.1 Pilih create database
7.2 Pilih template database
7.3 Tentukan SID. Samakan value ini dengan variable ORACLE_SID pada profile
7.4 Tentukan apakah ingin menggunakan Enterprise manager
7.5 Tentukan password
7.6 Tentukan storage sebagai tempat file database oracle
7.7 Tentukan lokasi database file
7.8 Tentukan Lokasi Flash Recovery Area
7.9 Tentukan apakah ingin menginstall sample schemas
7.10 Tentukan alokasi resources untuk oracle. Sekedar trick bagi pemilik yang RAM pas-pasan: pilih
typical, dan masukan persentasi sekecil2nya. Parameter ini dapat diganti dikemudian hari.
7.11 Tentukan variable untuk database instance
7.12 Tentukan options ketika membuat database
7.13 Konfirmasi options yang telah di pilih
7.14 Proses membuat database file & instance. Pada tahap ini sering terjadi error jika spec
hardware kurang memenuhi. Contoh: pesan “out of memory”, terjadi jika RAM-nya kurang.
7.15 Tampilan pemberitahuan jika database & instance telah sukses

bash-3.00$ sqlplus

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 17 13:50:07 2011

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password:
Connected to an idle instance.